A YOUNG female peregrine falcon surveys the Worcester floods from her vantage point on St Andrew's Spire.

The stunning image of the two and a half-year-old bird of prey was captured by the nestcams on top of the spire on Tuesday evening.

Dave Grubb, who runs the Peregrine Falcons in Worcester Facebook page, said they were planning to put up nestboxes by March in the hopes of the female and male who have made the spire their home producing offspring.

The last time peregrines were born in the city was in 2009 and Worcester News readers decided to name them Charlie, Potter, Tinker and Bobbin.

Bobbin was the only one to return to the city each winter but there are fears for her wellbeing after her partner and chicks were found poisoned in Clee Hill, Shropshire last year.

Mr Grubb, from Claines, said: "We hope she's okay and moved on to somewhere new.

"A female was seen flying overhead when the male and chicks were found dead but she has not been seen since."