Labour wants to do away with Worcester City Council having joint leaders.

For the past 12 months, the party’s Lynn Denham has been joint leader of the council alongside the Greens’ Marjory Bisset.

But immediately following today’s election count, a motion has been submitted by Cllr Denham to change the council’s constitution.

The motion will be heard at an extraordinary meeting of the Guildhall, which is scheduled to take place at the same time as the next full council meeting.

Currently, the council’s constitution states that in the event of no overall political control, joint leaders are elected from the two biggest political groups on the council.

But the proposal put forward by Cllr Denham would see that process replaced with the appointment of a leader and deputy leader.

Both of these would be appointed based on a vote of the council and would not have to come from any particular political group.

Labour also wants to abolish the Income Management sub-committee.

Another motion submitted by Cllr Denham says having this sub-committee, as well as one for Personnel and General Purposes is “an unnecessary use of council resources”.